Meet the Teacher

Mini Bio 

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Class Mission and Teaching Philosophy

I truly believe I have the best job in the world. I get to wear so many different hats throughout the day, I have an opportunity to do what I love (teach) around people that I love (my students), and I have an opportunity to change students' lives for the better every day. What more could I ask for?!

But with this great job comes great responsibility. Every decision I make in the classroom is based on what I believe is best for my students.

I believe that every student can learn, if given the necessary tools. In science lab this year, we will focus on a lot of group work, non-fiction writing in our science notebooks, discussing thoughts and possible scenarios with peers, and weaving technology and other disciplines into our science topics.  I strive to incorporate as many higher-level thinking activities as possible so as to challenge every student to reach his or her potential daily. One of my goals is that every student leaves my room every single day, having learned something new and having enjoyed at least one aspect of the day.

Our classroom is built around mutual respect and kindness. My goal is to create an environment where every student feels safe and wanted; I believe that this environment, combined with logical rules and procedures, is the foundation for a successful and smooth year.

I look forward to learning more about you!

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